03 周思源/关于四川乡村文化振兴的思考
ZHOU Siyuan: Thoughts on the Revitalization of Sichuan Rural Culture
09 甘绍成/ 对中国传统音乐教学的再思考——以中国传统音乐课程设置为例
GAN Shaocheng: Rethinking on Chinese Traditional Music Education: A Case Study of Its Curriculum
17 侯欣雨/ “2018·成都·音乐史学方法论与学科新视野国际学术研讨会”综述
HOU Xinyu: A Review of 2018 Chengdu International Symposium on the Methodology of Music Historiography and the New Visions
25 王虹几/“第七届中国传统音乐教学与学科建设研讨会”系列活动综述
WANG Hongji: A Review on the 7th Seminar of Chinese Traditional Music Education and Its Development
31 [法]雷米·冈波斯著 伍维曦译/ 1945年以来法国的音乐史学
Rémy Campos, tr. by WU Weixi: The Historiography of Music in France from 1945
41 何宽钊/从相似到表征——过渡时期的巴洛克和声
HE Kuanzhao: From Assimilation to Representation: The Harmony in Early Baroque Era
56 林戈尔/简论声乐伴奏的性质分类与表达方式
LIN Ge’er: On the Types of Accompaniment for Vocals and Its Way of Expression
62 梁 晴/中国交响曲之六法
LIANG Qing: Six Principles in China’s Symphony Composition
77 樊力菡/ 鱼通民间音乐的旋律与唱词分析、
FAN Lihan: An Analysis of the Melody and Libretto in Yutong Folk Music
86 黄 旭/语音旋律的应用——论合唱作品《名垂宇宙》的旋律特色
HUANG Xu: The Melody Characteristics in Chorus Prestige Transcending the Earth
96 张海玲/ 论肖邦音乐中的戏剧性形象及展现方法——以《降b小调谐谑曲》为例
ZHANG Hailing: The Dramatics and Its Presentation in Chopin’s Music: A Case Study of Scherzo No.2 in B-Flat Minor
103 刘 振 王 州/ 泉州北管曲《卖杂货》考
LIU Zhen, WANG Zhou: A Study on Quangang Beiguan Music Smallwares Peddler
115 欧阳茜/景宁畲族自治县叙事歌的音乐结构特征
OUYANG Xi: The Musical Structure of the Ballads of Jingning She Nationality Autonomous County
123 王小天/简析赵季平古诗词歌曲创作的特征与史学意义——以《关雎》为例
WANG Xiaotian: The Characteristics and Historical Significance in Zhao Jiping’ Poem Song: A Case Study of Guanju
128 王 雁 徐 懿/钢琴教学中技术类型的划分及其运用
WANG Yan, XU Yi: The Categorization and Application of Techniques in Piano Education
133 陈 钢/1949年以来中国音乐教育管理研究探索
CHEN Gang: Explorations on China’s Music Education Administration Since 1949
139 何兴华 马 毅/ 来自大洋彼岸的音乐盛宴——记2018年四川音乐学院国际音乐交流周(当代音乐·美国篇)
HE Xinghua, MA Yi: A Review of 2018 SCCM International Music Week (US Contemporary Music)